Lectura de cartas del oráculo astrológico
Una lectura sencilla pero poderosa utilizando cartas del oráculo astrológico.
Descripción del servicio
Utilizando el poder místico de las Cartas del Oráculo Astrológico, esta consulta simple pero profunda utiliza cartas del oráculo similares al tarot pero que utilizan los signos del zodíaco y los planetas para acceder a la red cósmica de información y ayudarle a obtener claridad sobre cualquier pregunta o área específica de su vida.

Política de cancelación
Consultation registration payments are nonrefundable. Should I be unable to make the scheduled appointment time, I will notify you immediately so that we can reschedule. All consultations that are missed by the client without prior notification are forfeit. If you are unable to make the scheduled appointment, a rescheduling request can be submitted via email to joshua@astralabove.com at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. I will make every effort to reschedule your appointment as soon as possible. Please be sure you have reviewed all terms and conditions outlined at: www.astralabove.com/termsandconditions By submitting your payment, you are agreeing to these terms.
Detalles del contacto
+ (561) 271-0191
Apt 412 2421 NE 65th St apt 412, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA